Here’s why you should opt for screen printing
Screen Printing today is considered to be the heart and soul of several bulk printing operations. The first time it rose to popularity was in the 18 th century, when importing silk mesh became easy. Silk mesh is the most essential component of screen printing. Screen printing became very popular across the globe and today many industries make use of screen printing. It is also used in the retail and the electronics industries because it is easily customizable. Hiring the most reputed screen printers Perth will be a good option. When there are small printing runs required, screen printing can be manual. There are also times when it is automated using the advanced materials and inks along with computer technology for mass printing. The best thing about screen printing is that it can print on all the different kinds of surfaces including paper, fabric, glass, wood, leather, plastic etc. Screen Printing is also referred to as silk screening or silkscreen printing. The most comm...